1067: SAPPHIRE – The Promised Time by Kemal B. Caymaz Book I in English – Launch at EMAA’s Nicosia
By Heidi Trautmann
Blue, the colour of romanticism, blue the colour of endlessness and mystery…. the colour of ‘SAPPHIRE – The Promised Time’, Book I in the English translation. I open the book, the front pages in glittering Blue. The printing on recycled paper. Kemal’s colourful book illustrations on transparent drawing paper, the impression of irreality, transparency, other levels of existence of long ago but timelessly present. A fantasy book based on Cyprus legends of St. Hilarion.

The Order in Chaos – Art Exhibition “Once upon a Time” By Heidi Trautmann
A rather short but fresh exhibition was ‘Once upon a Time’ at the Ismet Güney Art Centre by Ayça Akarcan and Kemal B. Caymaz, art students of Eser Kececi at the Near East University. I know the artist Eser and her art work and I know her sensitivity. But what she has taught her students in first place that is to respect art, the tools to work with and to love their work, because when you love your work you treat it respectfully. The 33 big formatted paintings were very well presented.